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TUNES FOR TWO VIOLINS EASY PLAY DUETS iz kategorije godala komorni sestavi sodi med odlične godala.All in a garden green - Traditional English melody All through the night - Tradit ...
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14,00 €
TUNES FOR TWO VIOLINS EASY PLAY DUETS iz kategorije godala komorni sestavi sodi med odlične godala.

All in a garden green - Traditional English melody
All through the night - Traditional Welsh melody
Autumn from 'The Four Seasons' - Vivaldi
Bist du bei mir - Bach
Bourrée from 'Water Music' - Handel
Country gardens - Traditional English melody
Greensleeves - 16th-century melody
Impromptu - Schubert
Largo from 'New World Symphony' - Dvorák
March - Handel
Marche militaire - Schubert
Minuet from 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' - Mozart
Minuet from 'Water Music' - Handel
My bonny lass she smileth - Morley
Non piu andrai from 'The Marriage of Figaro' - Mozart
Ode to joy - Beethoven
Papageno's aria from 'The Magic Flute' - Mozart
Passion chorale - Hassler
Pavan - 16th-century melody
Skye boat song - Traditional Scottish melody
Soldiers' march - Schumann
Spring from 'The Four Seasons' - Vivaldi
Steal away - Spiritual
Tallis' canon - Tallis
The entertainer - Joplin
The silver swan - Gibbons
To a wild rose - MacDowell
Trumpet voluntary - Clarke
Were you there - Spiritual
When the saints go marching in - Spiritual

1. - 3. razred

Serija Tunes for Two je dobro uveljavljena in se uporablja v toliko šolah po vsem svetu, zahvaljujoč finim aranžmajem tako dobro znanih skladb. V vsaki knjigi je 30 duetov (klavirska knjiga ena in dve jih vsebujeta po 20). Odličen uvod v ansambelsko igranje, znane melodije naredijo igranje skupaj koristna izkušnja. Vsestranska knjiga z inštrumenti C in B ima en del za vsak inštrument.
TUNES FOR TWO VIOLINS EASY PLAY DUETS iz kategorije godala komorni sestavi sodi med odlične godala.

All in a garden green - Traditional English melody
All through the night - Traditional Welsh melody
Autumn from 'The Four Seasons' - Vivaldi
Bist du bei mir - Bach
Bourrée from 'Water Music' - Handel
Country gardens - Traditional English melody
Greensleeves - 16th-century melody
Impromptu - Schubert
Largo from 'New World Symphony' - Dvorák
March - Handel
Marche militaire - Schubert
Minuet from 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' - Mozart
Minuet from 'Water Music' - Handel
My bonny lass she smileth - Morley
Non piu andrai from 'The Marriage of Figaro' - Mozart
Ode to joy - Beethoven
Papageno's aria from 'The Magic Flute' - Mozart
Passion chorale - Hassler
Pavan - 16th-century melody
Skye boat song - Traditional Scottish melody
Soldiers' march - Schumann
Spring from 'The Four Seasons' - Vivaldi
Steal away - Spiritual
Tallis' canon - Tallis
The entertainer - Joplin
The silver swan - Gibbons
To a wild rose - MacDowell
Trumpet voluntary - Clarke
Were you there - Spiritual
When the saints go marching in - Spiritual

1. - 3. razred

Serija Tunes for Two je dobro uveljavljena in se uporablja v toliko šolah po vsem svetu, zahvaljujoč finim aranžmajem tako dobro znanih skladb. V vsaki knjigi je 30 duetov (klavirska knjiga ena in dve jih vsebujeta po 20). Odličen uvod v ansambelsko igranje, znane melodije naredijo igranje skupaj koristna izkušnja. Vsestranska knjiga z inštrumenti C in B ima en del za vsak inštrument.
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